Sunday, September 23, 2007

Some good news this time

Google seems to know how to treat its employees. Would this have happened under a non-capitalist system? Hint--look at our own federal government and its employees. If you are a Federal employee and not a congressman or similarly with power to move the government, you most likely work in "dilbertland". If the feds had to compete with others producing the same products (yes, the government has products, mostly for other government agencies), things would be different! I know, it's impossible to have a Free Enterprise government. That is why the government should only do those things not doable in the free market (such as the Military).

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Coming to America

A terrorist supporter, anti-Semite, tyrant, all-around jerk is coming to America to make sure the false story put out by the free press is corrected by a proper Iranian governmental authority.

We are allowing him in the US only because a treaty we signed requires us to. This of course is a case for getting the US out of the UN, but it is understandable, given how hard it is to rescind a treaty, that this has not happened yet.

The First Amendment means he can speak at Columbia University (e-mail) if they'll have him. The last I heard, Columbia University is welcoming him with open arms.

In a free country, it is also allowed to tell Columbia University how we feel about this. It is definitely within our rights to refuse to send our children there, to refuse to donate money there, and to refuse to support them in any way. You decide--is supporting Columbia University the same as supporting a terrorist?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More bad cops

Rocio Palacios stopped to help an apparent woman in distress, with wife in car and daughter nearby getting a cup of hot chocolate. The woman in distress turned out to be an undercover officer and he was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. It took weeks before the charges were dropped and he still has his car impounded with a $4700 bill. I had pretty much written Larry Craig off as a bad liar, but if this is the way it works, maybe he is fully and completely innocent after all.

In a democracy, this only happens if society tolerates it--why do we tolerate it?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bad Cops--what-cha gonna do?

The vast majority of cops serve our citizens well, but sometimes a bad apple gets in the mix. A policeman has a lot of power--it is against the law, for example, to disobey an order from a policeman, or to resist arrest, or to run from the police. With great power comes great responsibility. We must ensure our cops are on the up-and-up. What this cop did should never be tolerated.

Hee Haw...or, a Miss South Carolina moment

The title link is to a UK Guardian article. If true, I might not be a conservative in England! The worst of it is advocating replacing the Gross Domestic Product with the "Happy Planet Index". This is sixth grade Michael Moore reasoning, to quote Jack Bauer. It is so stupid, I wondered if Hillary Clinton had taken over the Tories. This is as bad as her idea to require buckets manufactured in the US to leak so babies didn't drown in them. This is even dumber than Miss South Carolina's proclamation that kids don't know where America is because some kids don't have maps.

Perhaps the UK Tories are interested in buying this bridge I have for sale....

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Another "Brooklyn Bridge" moment

Use the "brain wave generator" to quit smoking. Next, they'll be saying to drive a hybrid to save polar bears or something.

Earmarks....what earmarks? (login requried for WP link)

or, "a rose by any other name..."

While proclaiming spending bill to be earmark-free, Congressman Rahm Emanuel used his influence to get federal money to specific organizations by other means. The effect is the same as an earmark, it is just not called such.

Saturday, September 8, 2007