Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sen. Harkin joins in on the smear

A sitting senator accuses, with no evidence, that Rush Limbaugh is currently high on drugs. At the same time he falsely accuses Rush of "castigating the troops", which he never did. It is shameless to say things so easily seen to be wrong by those who listened to the show in question. If he castigated the troops, show a recording where he did so!!!! Never happened.

Here is where to contact him: http://harkin.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm

He is one of these "phony soldiers" too--he overstated his role as a veteran for political purposes. Now, Rush DID castigate Harkin, and deservedly so!!! I guess Harkin thinks that's "castigating the troops".

In 2008--let's throw those people out.

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